About Us

We are a team of learning and development experts, designers, artists and thinkers who believe that learning experiences should be inspiring and have an outcomes that are useful to the learner as well as the content provider. We believe in challenging ourselves and our clients to rethink training and professional development. We think passive content and quizzes for the sake of quizzing is as boring to make as they are to take. We specialize in learning experiences that provide a space for learners to grow and improve using evidence based tools, technology and design to keep learners engaged and provide metrics for customized and targeted support for learner success.

Our design principle is based on creating experiences that have purpose for the leaner as well as the content provider. We design and develop simulations using scenario based learning techniques and gamification to create learning experiences that provide real time data for content providers to support and augment learner professional development and support areas that are challenging for the learner.

We partner with our clients to create customized training and professional development with modern design and multimedia that can be delivered in a traditional instructor led setting as well as on any device. We help our clients train smarter leveraging their internal expertise to execute learning experiences that prepare the modern workforce for the future.